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  • Writer's pictureAlex Maltese

What Are the Most Common Injuries in a Truck Accident?

Trucks are the largest vehicles on the road. With their massive size, multiple blind spots, and long stopping distances, they pose a significant risk to others on the road. When a truck collides with another vehicle, the other driver or passengers are often left with serious, life-changing injuries.

In this article, we will provide an overview of the injuries that most victims sustain in accidents involving trucks. We can also advise on common injuries in a motorcycle accident.

Truck Accidents Often Result in Serious Injuries

Truck Accidents Often Result in Serious Injuries

There's no doubt that trucks are among the largest and heaviest vehicles on the road. With this great size comes a higher force of impact in a collision. As a result, smaller cars can be crushed or hurled into nearby objects with ease.

In the vehicle, the motorist and other passengers are often thrown against various surfaces, resulting in serious injury. Glass and other components can also become airborne, which also contributes to the prevalence of major injuries.

Common Truck Accident Injuries

Because victims are exposed to a greater force of impact during a collision involving a truck, catastrophic injuries often result. For more information, the best truck accident attorneys in Long Island may be able to help. The following are common injuries that a truck crash may cause:

Spinal Cord Injuries

Regulating movement and sensation, the spinal cord is an essential component of the central nervous system that relays messages from the brain to the body's other systems. This ability to communicate becomes difficult when it is injured, which may lead to partial or total paralysis.

The impact in an accident can fracture or dislocate vertebrae, resulting in damage to the underlying spinal cord. Sadly, the results are often serious, leading to a loss of motor function, a loss of sensation, and more.

Head and Neck Injuries

Head and neck injuries are common in truck accidents because the head is often flung around in an accident and forced to collide with surfaces and objects. Concussions, facial injuries, and more may result.

Traumatic Brain Injuries

Sadly, some head injuries are severe, resulting in brain damage. They are commonly referred to as traumatic brain injuries. The primary cause of traumatic brain injuries in truck accidents is the deadly forces that are in play.

A truck crash can cause abrupt impact, resulting in the head colliding with interior components such as the steering wheel, dashboard, or window. Moreover, the brain may strike the inside of the skull as a result of the sudden deceleration, resulting in bruises, bleeding, or contusions.

In an accident, debris may become airborne, penetrating the head and causing serious brain damage.

Internal Injuries

The internal organs may also be affected by blunt-force trauma in a truck accident. These injuries may not be apparent at first. Doctors may need to perform tests to identify the problem before administering the proper treatment.

It's important to note here that internal injuries can be life-threatening. When an organ is damaged, the person can bleed internally, resulting in a number of complications.

Broken Bones

Truck crashes also often lead to broken bones. Reconstructive surgery is often required in order for the victim to make a full recovery. Months or even years of recovery are necessary, and multiple surgical procedures may need to be conducted.

Burn Injuries

Trucks and passenger vehicles carry petrol and other fuel sources. In an accident, this fuel can leak, exposing innocent people to burns. Moreover, if the accident involves a truck carrying petroleum products or any chemicals that are corrosive or flammable, burn injuries could occur.

Burns can be minor or severe, depending on the extent of exposure to the source. They can leave victims with permanent disfigurement and scarring.

Cuts and Lacerations

Another common truck accident injury is cuts. Broken glass, metal parts, and more can pierce the skin, exposing the victim to the dangers of infections. Cuts and lacerations can be deep, causing the victim to bleed out and even die.

Since these seemingly minor injuries can have serious consequences, it's important for all car accident victims to seek medical attention if they are involved in a crash. Law Office of Carl Maltese can advise on common injuries in a car accident as well.

Common Causes of Truck Accidents

Common Causes of Truck Accidents

There are a number of reasons why accidents involving trucks occur:

  • Distracted driving. Operating a motor vehicle while texting or talking on the phone can result in impaired concentration, leading to a collision.

  • Driver fatigue. In many cases, truck drivers are not allowed enough time to rest and are forced to meet ridiculous deadlines. This can also affect their ability to focus on the road and react to changing road conditions.

  • Drug and alcohol use. When a truck driver takes drugs or alcohol before getting behind the wheel, they can put others at risk. These substances affect the part of the brain that controls motor function, which can lead to a crash.

  • Speeding. Because commercial truck drivers are forced to meet strict deadlines, they tend to drive much faster than they should. Higher speeds require greater stopping distances, impeding a driver's ability to respond quickly to changing conditions.

  • Insufficient training. Trucks are much harder to maneuver than passenger vehicles, which is why proper training is essential. However, many trucking companies simply do not provide this, resulting in accidents.

  • Improper loading of cargo. If cargo is not secured properly, it can cause the truck driver to lose control of the vehicle, causing an accident. In such cases, the party responsible for loading the cargo can be held responsible for the victim's damages.

  • Poor maintenance. When a truck isn't maintained correctly, an accident could occur. Trucking companies have a duty to ensure that all their commercial vehicles are in excellent working condition.

Final Thoughts

Those who were involved in a car accident involving a truck may be entitled to compensation if one or more parties were negligent. To ensure a favorable outcome, victims must choose an experienced truck accident attorney with a comprehensive knowledge of the law and the skills necessary to secure the maximum compensation.

The Law Office of Carl Maltese is dedicated to producing results. Our team of expert legal advisors is ready to help victims get restitution.

To learn more or schedule a free consultation with one of our truck accident lawyers, injured parties can call our office.


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