When you decide to place an aging family member in a nursing home, you trust the nursing home to take care of a loved one. Unfortunately, nursing home staff have been known to abuse trust, and neglect is a common occurrence. If an assisted living facility betrayed your trust and harmed a loved one, you have a legal right to compensation for the injuries and harm caused. Contact a Smithtown nursing home abuse lawyer to evaluate your case and help hold the negligent staff responsible. Your odds of success increases if you work with a compassionate personal injury attorney.

Common Forms of Nursing Home Abuse
Nursing home abuse and neglect can take many different forms. However, one of the most common forms of neglect is bed sores. These injuries develop due to a nursing home’s failure to turn or move an elderly individual so that they do not lie on their backs for days or weeks on end.
Although bed sores are one of the primary injuries associated with nursing home negligence, there are many other ways that a resident can suffer harm, including:
Errors in medications
Burns and lacerations
Broken bones
Sexual abuse
Financial exploitation
Wrongful death
Injuries can take many forms that may not be obvious to a person talking to or visiting a loved one in a nursing home. If any harm is suspected, a person should reach out for help before it is too late. A Smithtown nursing home abuse attorney understands how to identify abuse and signs of negligence.
Who is Liable for Nursing Home Abuse?
Anyone involved in caring for an elderly individual in a nursing home can potentially be liable for any injuries or other losses. Other potentially responsible individuals include caretakers, doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals. Government agencies may also be liable in some cases, but it is essential to understand that the time for filing against such agencies is limited based upon the type of government, including the New York state government under New York Court of Claims Act § 10.
At-fault parties do not have to be individuals; they can be companies that own or operate the facilities. The companies responsible for hiring, training, and supervising the staff may be liable for their failures in responsibly completing those tasks and ensuring the safety of the occupants. A nursing home neglect lawyer in Smithtown could help determine all of the parties who could potentially be named in a lawsuit.
Compensation Available for Nursing Home Neglect or Abuse Cases
Abused or neglected elders can suffer large amounts of physical and financial damages, which they have a right to recover. Some of the common damages that may be compensated for in a resident abuse case include:
Medical expenses for past, present, and future care
Financial exploitation
Cost of moving to a new facility
Pain and suffering
Emotional distress
Disfigurement or scarring
Loss of enjoyment of life
The types of damages will differ from case to case. A local attorney could evaluate the specific circumstances and help fight for the person’s right to recover what they lost in the ordeal. For seniors or other adults who suffer from paralysis, we have a Smithtown paralysis injury lawyer to legally assist them as well.
Seek Justice with a Smithtown Nursing Home Abuse Attorney
Some nursing home owners and operators are more motivated by profits than by providing safe and responsible care to their residents. Unfortunately, when profits are the primary motivation, the training and supervision of the staff becomes less than adequate, and your loved one may suffer the consequences. If someone you love was injured because of nursing home negligence, personal injury lawyers on Long Island could assist in filing a claim to hold these entities responsible. We also have a no-fault claims lawyer in Smithtown to assist those who are looking to make no-fault claims. Call today to learn more.